Invoice Splitter API .NET

The .NET OCR SDK supports the Invoice Splitter API.

Using this sample, we are going to illustrate how to detect the pages of multiple invoices within the same document.


using Mindee;
using Mindee.Input;
using Mindee.Product.InvoiceSplitter;

string apiKey = "my-api-key";
string filePath = "/path/to/the/file.ext";

// Construct a new client
MindeeClient mindeeClient = new MindeeClient(apiKey);

// load an input source
var inputSource = new LocalInputSource(filePath);

// call the product asynchronously with auto-polling
var response = await mindeeClient

// Print a summary of all the predictions

// Print only the document-level predictions
// System.Console.WriteLine(response.Document.Inference.Prediction.ToString());

Output (RST):

:Mindee ID: 15ad7a19-7b75-43d0-b0c6-9a641a12b49b
:Filename: default_sample.pdf

:Product: mindee/invoice_splitter v1.1
:Rotation applied: No

:Invoice Page Groups:
  :Page indexes: 0
  :Page indexes: 1

Page Predictions

Page 0
:Invoice Page Groups:

Page 1
:Invoice Page Groups:

Field Types

Specific Fields

Invoice Splitter V1 Page Group

List of page group indexes.

An InvoiceSplitterV1PageGroup implements the following attributes:

  • PageIndexes (int[]): List of indexes of the pages of a single invoice.
  • Confidence (double): The confidence of the prediction.


The following fields are extracted for Invoice Splitter V1:

Invoice Page Groups

PageGroups (List<InvoiceSplitterV1PageGroup>): List of page indexes that belong to the same invoice in the PDF.

foreach (var InvoiceSplitterV1PageGroupElem in result.Document.Inference.Prediction.InvoiceSplitterV1PageGroup)


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