Financial Document OCR Java

The Java OCR SDK supports the Financial Document API.

Using the sample below, we are going to illustrate how to extract the data that we want using the OCR SDK.
Financial Document sample


import com.mindee.MindeeClient;
import com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource;
import com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse;
import com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1;

public class SimpleMindeeClient {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String apiKey = "my-api-key";
    String filePath = "/path/to/the/file.ext";

    // Init a new client
    MindeeClient mindeeClient = new MindeeClient(apiKey);

    // Load a file from disk
    LocalInputSource inputSource = new LocalInputSource(filePath);

    // Parse the file
    PredictResponse<FinancialDocumentV1> response = mindeeClient.parse(

    // Print a summary of the response

    // Print a summary of the predictions
//  System.out.println(response.getDocument().toString());

    // Print the document-level predictions
//    System.out.println(response.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().toString());

    // Print the page-level predictions
//    response.getDocument().getInference().getPages().forEach(
//        page -> System.out.println(page.toString())
//    );


You can also call this product asynchronously:

import com.mindee.MindeeClient;
import com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource;
import com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse;
import com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1;

public class SimpleMindeeClient {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    String apiKey = "my-api-key";
    String filePath = "/path/to/the/file.ext";

    // Init a new client
    MindeeClient mindeeClient = new MindeeClient(apiKey);

    // Load a file from disk
    LocalInputSource inputSource = new LocalInputSource(new File(filePath));

    // Parse the file asynchronously
    AsyncPredictResponse<FinancialDocumentV1> response = mindeeClient.enqueueAndParse(

    // Print a summary of the response

    // Print a summary of the predictions
//  System.out.println(response.getDocumentObj().toString());

    // Print the document-level predictions
//    System.out.println(response.getDocumentObj().getInference().getPrediction().toString());

    // Print the page-level predictions
//    response.getDocumentObj().getInference().getPages().forEach(
//        page -> System.out.println(page.toString())
//    );


Output (RST):

:Mindee ID: f469a24d-3875-4a83-ad43-e0d5aa9da604
:Filename: default_sample.jpg

:Product: mindee/financial_document v1.11
:Rotation applied: Yes

:Locale: en-US; en; US; USD;
:Invoice Number: INT-001
:Purchase Order Number: 2412/2019
:Receipt Number:
:Document Number: INT-001
:Reference Numbers: 2412/2019
:Purchase Date: 2019-11-02
:Due Date: 2019-11-17
:Payment Date: 2019-11-17
:Total Net: 195.00
:Total Amount: 204.75
  | Base          | Code   | Rate (%) | Amount        |
  |               |        | 5.00     | 9.75          |
:Supplier Payment Details:
:Supplier Name: JOHN SMITH
:Supplier Company Registrations:
:Supplier Address: 4490 Oak Drive Albany, NY 12210
:Supplier Phone Number:
:Customer Name: JESSIE M HORNE
:Supplier Website:
:Supplier Email:
:Customer Company Registrations:
:Customer Address: 2019 Redbud Drive New York, NY 10011
:Customer ID: 1234567890
:Shipping Address: 2019 Redbud Drive New York, NY 10011
:Billing Address: 4312 Wood Road New York, NY 10031
:Document Type: INVOICE
:Purchase Subcategory:
:Purchase Category: miscellaneous
:Total Tax: 9.75
:Tip and Gratuity:
:Purchase Time:
:Line Items:
  | Description                          | Product code | Quantity | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) | Total Amount | Unit of measure | Unit Price |
  | Front and rear brake cables          |              | 1.00     |            |              | 100.00       |                 | 100.00     |
  | New set of pedal arms                |              | 2.00     |            |              | 50.00        |                 | 25.00      |
  | Labor 3hrs                           |              | 3.00     |            |              | 45.00        |                 | 15.00      |

Page Predictions

Page 0
:Locale: en-US; en; US; USD;
:Invoice Number: INT-001
:Purchase Order Number: 2412/2019
:Receipt Number:
:Document Number: INT-001
:Reference Numbers: 2412/2019
:Purchase Date: 2019-11-02
:Due Date: 2019-11-17
:Payment Date: 2019-11-17
:Total Net: 195.00
:Total Amount: 204.75
  | Base          | Code   | Rate (%) | Amount        |
  |               |        | 5.00     | 9.75          |
:Supplier Payment Details:
:Supplier Name: JOHN SMITH
:Supplier Company Registrations:
:Supplier Address: 4490 Oak Drive Albany, NY 12210
:Supplier Phone Number:
:Customer Name: JESSIE M HORNE
:Supplier Website:
:Supplier Email:
:Customer Company Registrations:
:Customer Address: 2019 Redbud Drive New York, NY 10011
:Customer ID: 1234567890
:Shipping Address: 2019 Redbud Drive New York, NY 10011
:Billing Address: 4312 Wood Road New York, NY 10031
:Document Type: INVOICE
:Purchase Subcategory:
:Purchase Category: miscellaneous
:Total Tax: 9.75
:Tip and Gratuity:
:Purchase Time:
:Line Items:
  | Description                          | Product code | Quantity | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) | Total Amount | Unit of measure | Unit Price |
  | Front and rear brake cables          |              | 1.00     |            |              | 100.00       |                 | 100.00     |
  | New set of pedal arms                |              | 2.00     |            |              | 50.00        |                 | 25.00      |
  | Labor 3hrs                           |              | 3.00     |            |              | 45.00        |                 | 15.00      |

Field Types

Standard Fields

These fields are generic and used in several products.


Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic BaseField class.
A typical BaseField object will have the following attributes:

  • confidence (Double): the confidence score of the field prediction.
  • boundingBox (Polygon): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document.
  • polygon (Polygon): contains the relative vertices coordinates (polygon extends List<Point>) of a polygon containing the field in the image.
  • pageId (Integer): the ID of the page, always null when at document-level.

Note: A Point simply refers to a List of Double.

Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a custom toString method that can be used to print their value as a string.


An amount field AmountField extends BaseField, but also implements:

  • value (Double): corresponds to the field value. Can be null if no value was extracted.


The classification field ClassificationField extends BaseField, but also implements:

  • value (strong): corresponds to the field value.
  • confidence (double): the confidence score of the field prediction.

Note: a classification field's value is always a String`.


Aside from the basic BaseField attributes, the company registration field CompanyRegistrationField also implements the following:

  • type (String): the type of company.
  • value (String): corresponds to the field value.
  • toTableLine(): a method that formats the data to fit in a .rst display.


The text field StringField extends BaseField, but also implements:

  • value (String): corresponds to the field value.
  • rawValue (String): corresponds to the raw value as it appears on the document.


The date field DateField extends BaseField, but also implements:

  • value (LocalDate): an accessible representation of the value as a Java object. Can be null.


The locale field LocaleField extends BaseField, but also implements:

  • value (LocalDate): an accessible representation of the value as a Java object. Can be null.
  • language (String): ISO 639-1 language code (e.g.: en for English). Can be null.
  • country (String): ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for countries (e.g.: GRB or GB for "Great Britain"). Can be null.
  • currency (String): ISO 4217 code for currencies (e.g.: USD for "US Dollars"). Can be null.



Aside from the basic BaseField attributes, the tax field TaxField also implements the following:

  • rate (Double): the tax rate applied to an item expressed as a percentage. Can be null.
  • code (String): tax code (or equivalent, depending on the origin of the document).
  • base (Double): base amount used for the tax. Can be null.
  • value (Double): the value of the tax. Can be null.

Note: currently TaxField is not used on its own, and is accessed through a parent Taxes object, a list-like structure.

Taxes (List)

The Taxes field represents a List of TaxField objects. As it is the representation of several objects, it has access to a custom toString method that can render a TaxField object as a table line.

Specific Fields

Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Line Items Field

List of line item present on the document.

A FinancialDocumentV1LineItem implements the following attributes:

  • description (String): The item description.
  • productCode (String): The product code referring to the item.
  • quantity (Double): The item quantity
  • taxAmount (Double): The item tax amount.
  • taxRate (Double): The item tax rate in percentage.
  • totalAmount (Double): The item total amount.
  • unitMeasure (String): The item unit of measure.
  • unitPrice (Double): The item unit price.


The following fields are extracted for Financial Document V1:

Billing Address

billingAddress: The customer's address used for billing.


Purchase Category

category: The purchase category, only for receipts.

Possible values include:

  • 'toll'
  • 'food'
  • 'parking'
  • 'transport'
  • 'accommodation'
  • 'gasoline'
  • 'telecom'
  • 'miscellaneous'

Customer Address

customerAddress: The address of the customer.


Customer Company Registrations

customerCompanyRegistrations: List of company registration numbers associated to the customer.

for (customerCompanyRegistrationsElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getCustomerCompanyRegistrations())

Customer ID

customerId: The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.


Customer Name

customerName: The name of the customer.


Purchase Date

date: The date the purchase was made.


Document Number

documentNumber: The document number or identifier (invoice number or receipt number).


Document Type

documentType: The type of the document: INVOICE or CREDIT NOTE if it is an invoice, CREDIT CARD RECEIPT or EXPENSE RECEIPT if it is a receipt.

Possible values include:


Due Date

dueDate: The date on which the payment is due.


Invoice Number

invoiceNumber: The invoice number or identifier only if document is an invoice.


Line Items

lineItems(List<FinancialDocumentV1LineItem>): List of line item present on the document.

for (lineItemsElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getLineItems())


locale: The locale of the document.


Payment Date

paymentDate: The date on which the payment is due / fullfilled.


Purchase Order Number

poNumber: The purchase order number, only if the document is an invoice.


Receipt Number

receiptNumber: The receipt number or identifier only if document is a receipt.


Reference Numbers

referenceNumbers: List of Reference numbers, including PO number, only if the document is an invoice.

for (referenceNumbersElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getReferenceNumbers())

Shipping Address

shippingAddress: The customer's address used for shipping.


Purchase Subcategory

subcategory: The purchase subcategory for transport and food, only for receipts.

Possible values include:

  • 'plane'
  • 'taxi'
  • 'train'
  • 'restaurant'
  • 'shopping'
  • null

Supplier Address

supplierAddress: The address of the supplier or merchant.


Supplier Company Registrations

supplierCompanyRegistrations: List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.

for (supplierCompanyRegistrationsElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getSupplierCompanyRegistrations())

Supplier Email

supplierEmail: The email of the supplier or merchant.


Supplier Name

supplierName: The name of the supplier or merchant.


Supplier Payment Details

supplierPaymentDetails: List of payment details associated to the supplier (only for invoices).

for (supplierPaymentDetailsElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getSupplierPaymentDetails())

Supplier Phone Number

supplierPhoneNumber: The phone number of the supplier or merchant.


Supplier Website

supplierWebsite: The website URL of the supplier or merchant.



taxes: List of all taxes on the document.

for (taxesElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getTaxes())

Purchase Time

time: The time the purchase was made (only for receipts).


Tip and Gratuity

tip: The total amount of tip and gratuity


Total Amount

totalAmount: The total amount paid: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.


Total Net

totalNet: The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.


Total Tax

totalTax: The sum of all taxes present on the document.



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