Driver License OCR PHP

The PHP OCR SDK supports the Driver License API.

The sample below can be used for testing purposes.
Driver License sample



use Mindee\Client;
use Mindee\Product\DriverLicense\DriverLicenseV1;

// Init a new client
$mindeeClient = new Client("my-api-key");

// Load a file from disk
$inputSource = $mindeeClient->sourceFromPath("/path/to/the/file.ext");

// Parse the file asynchronously
$apiResponse = $mindeeClient->enqueueAndParse(DriverLicenseV1::class, $inputSource);

echo $apiResponse->document;

Field Types

Standard Fields

These fields are generic and used in several products.


Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic BaseField class.
A typical BaseField object will have the following attributes:

  • value (float|string): corresponds to the field value. Can be null if no value was extracted.
  • confidence (float): the confidence score of the field prediction.
  • boundingBox ([Point, Point, Point, Point]): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document.
  • polygon (Point[]): contains the relative vertices coordinates (Point) of a polygon containing the field in the image.
  • pageId (integer): the ID of the page, always null when at document-level.
  • reconstructed (bool): indicates whether an object was reconstructed (not extracted as the API gave it).

Note: A Point simply refers to a list of two numbers ([float, float]).

Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a custom __toString method that can be used to print their value as a string.


Aside from the basic BaseField attributes, the date field DateField also implements the following:

  • dateObject (date): an accessible representation of the value as a php object. Can be null.


The text field StringField implements the following:

  • value (string): represents the value of the field as a string.
  • rawValue (string): the value of the string as it appears on the document.


The following fields are extracted for Driver License V1:


category : The category or class of the driver license.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->category->value;

Country Code

countryCode : The alpha-3 ISO 3166 code of the country where the driver license was issued.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->countryCode->value;

Date of Birth

dateOfBirth : The date of birth of the driver license holder.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->dateOfBirth->value;

DD Number

ddNumber : The DD number of the driver license.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->ddNumber->value;

Expiry Date

expiryDate : The expiry date of the driver license.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->expiryDate->value;

First Name

firstName : The first name of the driver license holder.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->firstName->value;


id : The unique identifier of the driver license.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->id->value;

Issued Date

issuedDate : The date when the driver license was issued.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->issuedDate->value;

Issuing Authority

issuingAuthority : The authority that issued the driver license.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->issuingAuthority->value;

Last Name

lastName : The last name of the driver license holder.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->lastName->value;


mrz : The Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of the driver license.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->mrz->value;

Place of Birth

placeOfBirth : The place of birth of the driver license holder.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->placeOfBirth->value;


state : Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.

echo $result->document->inference->prediction->state->value;


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