Nutrition Facts Label OCR Java

The Java OCR SDK supports the Nutrition Facts Label API.

The sample below can be used for testing purposes.
Nutrition Facts Label sample


import com.mindee.MindeeClient;
import com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource;
import com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse;
import com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1;

public class SimpleMindeeClient {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    String apiKey = "my-api-key";
    String filePath = "/path/to/the/file.ext";

    // Init a new client
    MindeeClient mindeeClient = new MindeeClient(apiKey);

    // Load a file from disk
    LocalInputSource inputSource = new LocalInputSource(new File(filePath));

    // Parse the file asynchronously
    AsyncPredictResponse<NutritionFactsLabelV1> response = mindeeClient.enqueueAndParse(

    // Print a summary of the response

    // Print a summary of the predictions
//  System.out.println(response.getDocumentObj().toString());

    // Print the document-level predictions
//    System.out.println(response.getDocumentObj().getInference().getPrediction().toString());

    // Print the page-level predictions
//    response.getDocumentObj().getInference().getPages().forEach(
//        page -> System.out.println(page.toString())
//    );


Field Types

Standard Fields

These fields are generic and used in several products.


Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic BaseField class.
A typical BaseField object will have the following attributes:

  • confidence (Double): the confidence score of the field prediction.
  • boundingBox (Polygon): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document.
  • polygon (Polygon): contains the relative vertices coordinates (polygon extends List<Point>) of a polygon containing the field in the image.
  • pageId (Integer): the ID of the page, always null when at document-level.

Note: A Point simply refers to a List of Double.

Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a custom toString method that can be used to print their value as a string.


An amount field AmountField extends BaseField, but also implements:

  • value (Double): corresponds to the field value. Can be null if no value was extracted.

Specific Fields

Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Added Sugars Field

The amount of added sugars in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of added sugars to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of added sugars per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of added sugars per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Calories Field

The amount of calories in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of calories to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of calories per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of calories per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Cholesterol Field

The amount of cholesterol in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of cholesterol to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of cholesterol per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of cholesterol per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Dietary Fiber Field

The amount of dietary fiber in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of dietary fiber to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of dietary fiber per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of dietary fiber per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

nutrients Field

The amount of nutrients in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • name (String): The name of nutrients of the product.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of nutrients per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of nutrients per serving of the product.
  • unit (String): The unit of measurement for the amount of nutrients.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Protein Field

The amount of protein in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of protein to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of protein per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of protein per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Saturated Fat Field

The amount of saturated fat in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of saturated fat to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of saturated fat per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of saturated fat per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Serving Size Field

The size of a single serving of the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize implements the following attributes:

  • amount (Double): The amount of a single serving.
  • unit (String): The unit for the amount of a single serving.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

sodium Field

The amount of sodium in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of sodium to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of sodium per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of sodium per serving of the product.
  • unit (String): The unit of measurement for the amount of sodium.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Total Carbohydrate Field

The total amount of carbohydrates in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of total carbohydrates to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of total carbohydrates per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of total carbohydrates per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Total Fat Field

The total amount of fat in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of total fat to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of total fat per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of total fat per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Total Sugars Field

The total amount of sugars in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of total sugars to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of total sugars per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of total sugars per serving of the product.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Trans Fat Field

The amount of trans fat in the product.

A NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat implements the following attributes:

  • dailyValue (Double): DVs are the recommended amounts of trans fat to consume or not to exceed each day.
  • per100G (Double): The amount of trans fat per 100g of the product.
  • perServing (Double): The amount of trans fat per serving of the product.


The following fields are extracted for Nutrition Facts Label V1:

Added Sugars

addedSugars(NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar): The amount of added sugars in the product.



calories(NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie): The amount of calories in the product.



cholesterol(NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol): The amount of cholesterol in the product.


Dietary Fiber

dietaryFiber(NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber): The amount of dietary fiber in the product.



nutrients(List<NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient>): The amount of nutrients in the product.

for (nutrientsElem : result.getDocument().getInference().getPrediction().getNutrients())


protein(NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein): The amount of protein in the product.


Saturated Fat

saturatedFat(NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat): The amount of saturated fat in the product.


Serving per Box

servingPerBox: The number of servings in each box of the product.


Serving Size

servingSize(NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize): The size of a single serving of the product.



sodium(NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium): The amount of sodium in the product.


Total Carbohydrate

totalCarbohydrate(NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate): The total amount of carbohydrates in the product.


Total Fat

totalFat(NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat): The total amount of fat in the product.


Total Sugars

totalSugars(NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar): The total amount of sugars in the product.


Trans Fat

transFat(NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat): The amount of trans fat in the product.



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