FR Carte Nationale d'Identité
The Ruby Client Library supports the Carte Nationale d'Identité API.
Product Specs
Specification Details Endpoint Name idcard_fr
Recommended Version v2.0
Supports Polling/Webhooks ❌ No Support Synchronous HTTP Calls ✔️ Yes Geography 🇫🇷 France
Using the sample below,
we are going to illustrate how to extract the data that we want using the Ruby Client Library.
# Install the Ruby client library by running:
# gem install mindee
require 'mindee'
# Init a new client
mindee_client = 'my-api-key')
# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')
# Parse the file
result = mindee_client.parse(
# Print a full summary of the parsed data in RST format
puts result.document
# Print the document-level parsed data
# puts result.document.inference.prediction
Output (RST):
:Mindee ID: d33828f1-ef7e-4984-b9df-a2bfaa38a78d
:Filename: default_sample.jpg
:Product: mindee/idcard_fr v2.0
:Rotation applied: Yes
:Card Access Number: 175775H55790
:Document Number:
:Given Name(s): Victor
:Surname: DAMBARD
:Alternate Name:
:Date of Birth: 1994-04-24
:Place of Birth: LYON 4E ARRONDISSEM
:Gender: M
:Expiry Date: 2030-04-02
:Mrz Line 1: IDFRADAMBARD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<075025
:Mrz Line 2: 170775H557903VICTOR<<MARIE<9404246M5
:Mrz Line 3:
:Date of Issue: 2015-04-03
:Issuing Authority: SOUS-PREFECTURE DE BELLE (02)
Page Predictions
Page 0
:Document Type: OLD
:Document Sides: RECTO & VERSO
:Card Access Number: 175775H55790
:Document Number:
:Given Name(s): Victor
:Surname: DAMBARD
:Alternate Name:
:Date of Birth: 1994-04-24
:Place of Birth: LYON 4E ARRONDISSEM
:Gender: M
:Expiry Date: 2030-04-02
:Mrz Line 1: IDFRADAMBARD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<075025
:Mrz Line 2: 170775H557903VICTOR<<MARIE<9404246M5
:Mrz Line 3:
:Date of Issue: 2015-04-03
:Issuing Authority: SOUS-PREFECTURE DE BELLE (02)
Field Types
Standard Fields
These fields are generic and used in several products.
Basic Field
Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic Field
A typical Field
object will have the following attributes:
- value (
): corresponds to the field value. Can benil
if no value was extracted. - confidence (Float, nil): the confidence score of the field prediction.
- bounding_box (
): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document. - polygon (
): contains the relative vertices coordinates (Point
) of a polygon containing the field in the image. - page_id (
): the ID of the page, alwaysnil
when at document-level. - reconstructed (
): indicates whether an object was reconstructed (not extracted as the API gave it).
Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a to_s
method that can be used to print their value as a string.
Classification Field
The classification field ClassificationField
does not implement all the basic Field
attributes. It only implements
value, confidence and page_id.
Note: a classification field's
value is always a
Date Field
Aside from the basic Field
attributes, the date field DateField
also implements the following:
- date_object (
): an accessible representation of the value as a JavaScript object.
String Field
The text field StringField
only has one constraint: it's value is a String
(or nil
Page-Level Fields
Some fields are constrained to the page level, and so will not be retrievable at document level.
The following fields are extracted for Carte Nationale d'Identité V2:
Alternate Name
alternate_name (StringField): The alternate name of the card holder.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.alternate_name.value
Issuing Authority
authority (StringField): The name of the issuing authority.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.authority.value
Date of Birth
birth_date (DateField): The date of birth of the card holder.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.birth_date.value
Place of Birth
birth_place (StringField): The place of birth of the card holder.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.birth_place.value
Card Access Number
card_access_number (StringField): The card access number (CAN).
puts result.document.inference.prediction.card_access_number.value
Document Number
document_number (StringField): The document number.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.document_number.value
Document Sides
📄document_side (ClassificationField): The sides of the document which are visible.
Possible values include:
result.document.document_side.each do |document_side_elem|
puts document_side_elem.value
Document Type
📄document_type (ClassificationField): The document type or format.
Possible values include:
result.document.document_type.each do |document_type_elem|
puts document_type_elem.value
Expiry Date
expiry_date (DateField): The expiry date of the identification card.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.expiry_date.value
gender (StringField): The gender of the card holder.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.gender.value
Given Name(s)
given_names (Array<StringField>): The given name(s) of the card holder.
result.document.inference.prediction.given_names do |given_names_elem|
puts given_names_elem.value
Date of Issue
issue_date (DateField): The date of issue of the identification card.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.issue_date.value
Mrz Line 1
mrz1 (StringField): The Machine Readable Zone, first line.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.mrz1.value
Mrz Line 2
mrz2 (StringField): The Machine Readable Zone, second line.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.mrz2.value
Mrz Line 3
mrz3 (StringField): The Machine Readable Zone, third line.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.mrz3.value
nationality (StringField): The nationality of the card holder.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.nationality.value
surname (StringField): The surname of the card holder.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.surname.value
Updated 26 days ago