FR Payslip
The Ruby Client Library supports the Payslip API.
Product Specs
Specification Details Endpoint Name payslip_fra
Recommended Version v3.0
Supports Polling/Webhooks ✔️ Yes Support Synchronous HTTP Calls ❌ No Geography 🇫🇷 France
Polling Limitations
Setting Parameter name Default Value Initial Delay Before Polling initial_delay_seconds
2 seconds Default Delay Between Calls delay_sec
1.5 seconds Polling Attempts Before Timeout max_retries
80 retries
Using the sample below,
we are going to illustrate how to extract the data that we want using the Ruby Client Library.
# Install the Ruby client library by running:
# gem install mindee
require 'mindee'
# Init a new client
mindee_client = 'my-api-key')
# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')
# Parse the file
result = mindee_client.parse(
# Print a full summary of the parsed data in RST format
puts result.document
# Print the document-level parsed data
# puts result.document.inference.prediction
Output (RST):
:Mindee ID: a479e3e7-6838-4e82-9a7d-99289f34ec7f
:Filename: default_sample.jpg
:Product: mindee/payslip_fra v3.0
:Rotation applied: Yes
:Pay Period:
:End Date: 2023-03-31
:Month: 03
:Payment Date: 2023-03-29
:Start Date: 2023-03-01
:Year: 2023
:Date of Birth:
:First Name: Jean Luc
:Last Name: Picard
:Phone Number:
:Registration Number:
:Social Security Number: 123456789012345
:Address: 1 RUE DU TONNOT 25210 DOUBS
:Company ID: 12345678901234
:Company Site:
:NAF Code: 1234A
:Phone Number:
:URSSAF Number:
:Bank Account Details:
:Bank Name:
:Category: Cadre
:Coefficient: 600,000
:Collective Agreement: Construction -- Promotion
:Job Title: Directeur Régional du Développement
:Position Level: Niveau 5 Echelon 3
:Seniority Date:
:Start Date: 2022-05-01
:Salary Details:
| Amount | Base | Description | Number | Rate |
| 6666.67 | | Salaire de base | | |
| 9.30 | | Part patronale Mutuelle NR | | |
| 508.30 | | Avantages en nature voiture | | |
:Pay Detail:
:Gross Salary: 7184.27
:Gross Salary YTD: 18074.81
:Income Tax Rate: 17.60
:Income Tax Withheld: 1030.99
:Net Paid: 3868.32
:Net Paid Before Tax: 4899.31
:Net Taxable: 5857.90
:Net Taxable YTD: 14752.73
:Total Cost Employer: 10486.94
:Total Taxes and Deductions: 1650.36
:Paid Time Off:
| Accrued | Period | Type | Remaining | Used |
| | N-1 | VACATION | | |
| 6.17 | N | VACATION | 6.17 | |
| 2.01 | N | RTT | 2.01 | |
Field Types
Standard Fields
These fields are generic and used in several products.
Basic Field
Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic Field
A typical Field
object will have the following attributes:
- value (
): corresponds to the field value. Can benil
if no value was extracted. - confidence (Float, nil): the confidence score of the field prediction.
- bounding_box (
): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document. - polygon (
): contains the relative vertices coordinates (Point
) of a polygon containing the field in the image. - page_id (
): the ID of the page, alwaysnil
when at document-level. - reconstructed (
): indicates whether an object was reconstructed (not extracted as the API gave it).
Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a to_s
method that can be used to print their value as a string.
Specific Fields
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Pay Period Field
Information about the pay period.
A PayslipV3PayPeriod
implements the following attributes:
(String): The end date of the pay period.month
(String): The month of the pay period.payment_date
(String): The date of payment for the pay period.start_date
(String): The start date of the pay period.year
(String): The year of the pay period.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Employee Field
Information about the employee.
A PayslipV3Employee
implements the following attributes:
(String): The address of the employee.date_of_birth
(String): The date of birth of the employee.first_name
(String): The first name of the employee.last_name
(String): The last name of the employee.phone_number
(String): The phone number of the employee.registration_number
(String): The registration number of the employee.social_security_number
(String): The social security number of the employee.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Employer Field
Information about the employer.
A PayslipV3Employer
implements the following attributes:
(String): The address of the employer.company_id
(String): The company ID of the employer.company_site
(String): The site of the company.naf_code
(String): The NAF code of the
(String): The name of the employer.phone_number
(String): The phone number of the employer.urssaf_number
(String): The URSSAF number of the employer.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Bank Account Details Field
Information about the employee's bank account.
A PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
implements the following attributes:
(String): The name of the bank.iban
(String): The IBAN of the bank account.swift
(String): The SWIFT code of the bank.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Employment Field
Information about the employment.
A PayslipV3Employment
implements the following attributes:
(String): The category of the employment.coefficient
(String): The coefficient of the employment.collective_agreement
(String): The collective agreement of the employment.job_title
(String): The job title of the employee.position_level
(String): The position level of the employment.seniority_date
(String): The seniority date of the employment.start_date
(String): The start date of the employment.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Salary Details Field
Detailed information about the earnings.
A PayslipV3SalaryDetail
implements the following attributes:
(Float): The amount of the earning.base
(Float): The base rate value of the earning.description
(String): The description of the earnings.number
(Float): The number of units in the earning.rate
(Float): The rate of the earning.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Pay Detail Field
Detailed information about the pay.
A PayslipV3PayDetail
implements the following attributes:
(Float): The gross salary of the employee.gross_salary_ytd
(Float): The year-to-date gross salary of the employee.income_tax_rate
(Float): The income tax rate of the employee.income_tax_withheld
(Float): The income tax withheld from the employee's pay.net_paid
(Float): The net paid amount of the employee.net_paid_before_tax
(Float): The net paid amount before tax of the employee.net_taxable
(Float): The net taxable amount of the employee.net_taxable_ytd
(Float): The year-to-date net taxable amount of the employee.total_cost_employer
(Float): The total cost to the employer.total_taxes_and_deductions
(Float): The total taxes and deductions of the employee.
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Paid Time Off Field
Information about paid time off.
A PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
implements the following attributes:
(Float): The amount of paid time off accrued in the period.period
(String): The paid time off period.
Possible values include:
- N
- N-1
- N-2
(String): The type of paid time off.
Possible values include:
(Float): The remaining amount of paid time off at the end of the period.used
(Float): The amount of paid time off used in the period.
The following fields are extracted for Payslip V3:
Bank Account Details
bank_account_details (PayslipV3BankAccountDetail): Information about the employee's bank account.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.bank_account_details.value
employee (PayslipV3Employee): Information about the employee.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.employee.value
employer (PayslipV3Employer): Information about the employer.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.employer.value
employment (PayslipV3Employment): Information about the employment.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.employment.value
Paid Time Off
paid_time_off (Array<PayslipV3PaidTimeOff>): Information about paid time off.
result.document.inference.prediction.paid_time_off do |paid_time_off_elem|
puts paid_time_off_elem.value
Pay Detail
pay_detail (PayslipV3PayDetail): Detailed information about the pay.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.pay_detail.value
Pay Period
pay_period (PayslipV3PayPeriod): Information about the pay period.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.pay_period.value
Salary Details
salary_details (Array<PayslipV3SalaryDetail>): Detailed information about the earnings.
result.document.inference.prediction.salary_details do |salary_details_elem|
puts salary_details_elem.value
Updated 26 days ago