FR Payslip OCR Ruby

The Ruby OCR SDK supports the Payslip API.

Using the sample below, we are going to illustrate how to extract the data that we want using the OCR SDK.
Payslip sample


require 'mindee'

# Init a new client
mindee_client = 'my-api-key')

# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')

# Parse the file
result = mindee_client.enqueue_and_parse(

# Print a full summary of the parsed data in RST format
puts result.document

# Print the document-level parsed data
# puts result.document.inference.prediction

Output (RST):

:Mindee ID: 972edba5-25aa-49d0-8431-e2557ddd788e
:Filename: default_sample.jpg

:Product: mindee/payslip_fra v2.0
:Rotation applied: No

  :Date of Birth:
  :First Name: Jean Luc
  :Last Name: Picard
  :Phone Number:
  :Registration Number:
  :Social Security Number: 123456789012345
  :Address: 1 RUE DU TONNOT 25210 DOUBS
  :Company ID: 12345678901234
  :Company Site:
  :NAF Code: 1234A
  :Phone Number:
  :URSSAF Number:
:Bank Account Details:
  :Bank Name:
  :Category: Cadre
  :Coefficient: 600.00
  :Collective Agreement: Construction -- Promotion
  :Job Title: Directeur Régional du Développement
  :Position Level:
  :Start Date: 2022-05-01
:Salary Details:
  | Amount       | Base      | Description                          | Rate      |
  | 6666.67      |           | Salaire de base                      |           |
  | 9.30         |           | Part patronale Mutuelle NR           |           |
  | 508.30       |           | Avantages en nature voiture          |           |
:Pay Detail:
  :Gross Salary: 7184.27
  :Gross Salary YTD: 18074.81
  :Income Tax Rate: 17.60
  :Income Tax Withheld: 1030.99
  :Net Paid: 3868.32
  :Net Paid Before Tax: 4899.31
  :Net Taxable: 5857.90
  :Net Taxable YTD: 14752.73
  :Total Cost Employer: 10486.94
  :Total Taxes and Deductions: 1650.36
  :Accrued This Period: 6.17
  :Balance End of Period: 6.17
  :Used This Period:
:Pay Period:
  :End Date: 2023-03-31
  :Month: 03
  :Payment Date: 2023-03-29
  :Start Date: 2023-03-01
  :Year: 2023

Field Types

Standard Fields

These fields are generic and used in several products.

Basic Field

Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic Field class.
A typical Field object will have the following attributes:

  • value (String, Float, Integer, Boolean): corresponds to the field value. Can be nil if no value was extracted.
  • confidence (Float, nil): the confidence score of the field prediction.
  • bounding_box (Mindee::Geometry::Quadrilateral, nil): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document.
  • polygon (Mindee::Geometry::Polygon, nil): contains the relative vertices coordinates (Point) of a polygon containing the field in the image.
  • page_id (Integer, nil): the ID of the page, always nil when at document-level.
  • reconstructed (Boolean): indicates whether an object was reconstructed (not extracted as the API gave it).

Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a to_s method that can be used to print their value as a string.

Specific Fields

Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Bank Account Details Field

Information about the employee's bank account.

A PayslipV2BankAccountDetail implements the following attributes:

  • bank_name (String): The name of the bank.
  • iban (String): The IBAN of the bank account.
  • swift (String): The SWIFT code of the bank.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Employee Field

Information about the employee.

A PayslipV2Employee implements the following attributes:

  • address (String): The address of the employee.
  • date_of_birth (String): The date of birth of the employee.
  • first_name (String): The first name of the employee.
  • last_name (String): The last name of the employee.
  • phone_number (String): The phone number of the employee.
  • registration_number (String): The registration number of the employee.
  • social_security_number (String): The social security number of the employee.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Employer Field

Information about the employer.

A PayslipV2Employer implements the following attributes:

  • address (String): The address of the employer.
  • company_id (String): The company ID of the employer.
  • company_site (String): The site of the company.
  • naf_code (String): The NAF code of the employer.
  • name (String): The name of the employer.
  • phone_number (String): The phone number of the employer.
  • urssaf_number (String): The URSSAF number of the employer.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Employment Field

Information about the employment.

A PayslipV2Employment implements the following attributes:

  • category (String): The category of the employment.
  • coefficient (Float): The coefficient of the employment.
  • collective_agreement (String): The collective agreement of the employment.
  • job_title (String): The job title of the employee.
  • position_level (String): The position level of the employment.
  • start_date (String): The start date of the employment.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Pay Detail Field

Detailed information about the pay.

A PayslipV2PayDetail implements the following attributes:

  • gross_salary (Float): The gross salary of the employee.
  • gross_salary_ytd (Float): The year-to-date gross salary of the employee.
  • income_tax_rate (Float): The income tax rate of the employee.
  • income_tax_withheld (Float): The income tax withheld from the employee's pay.
  • net_paid (Float): The net paid amount of the employee.
  • net_paid_before_tax (Float): The net paid amount before tax of the employee.
  • net_taxable (Float): The net taxable amount of the employee.
  • net_taxable_ytd (Float): The year-to-date net taxable amount of the employee.
  • total_cost_employer (Float): The total cost to the employer.
  • total_taxes_and_deductions (Float): The total taxes and deductions of the employee.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Pay Period Field

Information about the pay period.

A PayslipV2PayPeriod implements the following attributes:

  • end_date (String): The end date of the pay period.
  • month (String): The month of the pay period.
  • payment_date (String): The date of payment for the pay period.
  • start_date (String): The start date of the pay period.
  • year (String): The year of the pay period.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

PTO Field

Information about paid time off.

A PayslipV2Pto implements the following attributes:

  • accrued_this_period (Float): The amount of paid time off accrued in this period.
  • balance_end_of_period (Float): The balance of paid time off at the end of the period.
  • used_this_period (Float): The amount of paid time off used in this period.
    Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.

Salary Details Field

Detailed information about the earnings.

A PayslipV2SalaryDetail implements the following attributes:

  • amount (Float): The amount of the earnings.
  • base (Float): The base value of the earnings.
  • description (String): The description of the earnings.
  • rate (Float): The rate of the earnings.


The following fields are extracted for Payslip V2:

Bank Account Details

bank_account_details (PayslipV2BankAccountDetail): Information about the employee's bank account.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.bank_account_details.value


employee (PayslipV2Employee): Information about the employee.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.employee.value


employer (PayslipV2Employer): Information about the employer.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.employer.value


employment (PayslipV2Employment): Information about the employment.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.employment.value

Pay Detail

pay_detail (PayslipV2PayDetail): Detailed information about the pay.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.pay_detail.value

Pay Period

pay_period (PayslipV2PayPeriod): Information about the pay period.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.pay_period.value


pto (PayslipV2Pto): Information about paid time off.

puts result.document.inference.prediction.pto.value

Salary Details

salary_details (Array<PayslipV2SalaryDetail>): Detailed information about the earnings.

for salary_details_elem in result.document.inference.prediction.salary_details do
  puts salary_details_elem.value


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