Document Loading

Calling the Mindee API using webhooks


This feature is only available for compatible products, see the see Supports Polling/Webhooks on the product's


After setting up a webhook for your account, you can send a document,
and then retrieve the results from an API call in the following fashion:

# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')

# Send the file to the server
enqueue_response = mindee_client.enqueue(
        Mindee::Product::Receipt::ReceiptV5 # ReceiptV5 supports asynchronous polling

Once your prediction is ready, the server will send it to your webhook. You can then use the payload as a regular

# Load the JSON string sent by the Mindee webhook POST callback.
# Reading the callback data will vary greatly depending on your HTTP server.
# This is therefore beyond the scope of this example.

local_response =

# You can also use a File object as the input.
# FILE_PATH = File.join('path', 'to', 'file.json').freeze
# local_response =;

# Optional: verify the HMAC signature.
unless local_response.valid_hmac_signature?(my_secret_key, 'invalid signature')
  raise "Invalid HMAC signature!"

# Deserialize the response:
result = mindee_client.load_prediction(
        Mindee::Product::Receipt::ReceiptV5, # The prediction type must match the initial enqueuing to work properly.

# Print a summary of the parsed data in RST format
puts result.document

Enqueueing and polling manually


We strongly recommend you rely on a webhook setup, or a simple parse() call for most operations. Only use

manual polling if you are certain that it is the best solution for you.


This feature is only available for compatible products, see the see Supports Polling/Webhooks on the product's


Instead of relying on the parse() method, you can enqueue documents and poll
the server manually:

# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')

# Send the file to the server
enqueue_response = mindee_client.enqueue(
  Mindee::Product::Invoice::InvoiceV4 # InvoiceV4 supports asynchronous polling

job_id =

queue_res = parse_queued(job_id, Mindee::Product::Invoice::InvoiceV4, endpoint: endpoint)
polling_attempts = 0

while [Mindee::Parsing::Common::JobStatus::PROCESSING, Mindee::Parsing::Common::JobStatus::WAITING].include?(
        queue_res.job.status) && polling_attempts < 80 # Recommended amounts of total retries for asynchronous polling.
  sleep(1.5) # Recommended waiting time for re-attempts
  queue_res = parse_queued(job_id, Mindee::Product::Invoice::InvoiceV4)
  polling_attempts += 1

# If all went well, print a short summary of the result.
if queue_res.job.status == Mindee::Parsing::Common::JobStatus::COMPLETED
  puts queue_res.document

Parsing operations

Operations pertaining to the Client's parse() method. The parsing process supports both synchronous and asynchronous
modes, and you can fine-tune its behavior using several options.

Polling options

When performing an asynchronous parse (i.e. when the document is enqueued), the client will poll the API for the result.
The following options control the polling behavior:

  • initial_delay_sec: The initial delay (in seconds) before the first polling attempt.
  • delay_sec: The delay (in seconds) between subsequent polls.
  • max_retries: The maximum number of polling attempts before timing out.

These parameters ensure that the client does not overload the API with too-frequent requests and also avoid premature


result = mindee_client.parse(
  options: {
    initial_delay_sec: 2,   # Wait 2 seconds before the first poll.
    delay_sec: 1.5,         # Wait 1.5 seconds between polls.
    max_retries: 80         # Try polling a maximum of 80 times.


Warning: Setting delay_sec too low might lead to insufficient wait time between polls, causing the server to

block your API calls for a short time.

Page operations

When parsing PDFs, you can preprocess the document using page operations. Using the page_options parameter, you can
specify which pages to keep or remove even before the file is sent to the server. This is especially useful if your
document contains extraneous pages that you do not want to process.

The available options are:

  • page_indexes: An array of zero-based page indexes.
  • operation: The operation to perform—either:
    • :KEEP_ONLY (keep only the specified pages)
    • :REMOVE (remove the specified pages).
  • on_min_pages: Apply the operation only if the document has at least the specified number of pages.


page_options = {
  page_indexes:[1, 3],    # Only target pages 1 and 3.
  operation: :KEEP_ONLY,  # Remove all other pages.
  on_min_pages: 3         # Only apply if the document has at least 3 pages.

result = mindee_client.parse(
  options: {
    page_options: page_options


Warning: Page operations alter the document's content. Ensure that this behavior is acceptable for your use case,

as there is no undo once the pages are modified.

Workflow operations

Workflow operations are similar to parsing operations, but they apply to calls made through the workflow feature.


workflow_options = {
    document_alias: "my_document",
    priority: :high,
    page_options: {
          page_indexes:[0, 1],
          operation: :REMOVE

result = mindee_client.execute_workflow(
  options: workflow_options

Loading a Document File

Before sending a document to Mindee’s API, you first need to load the file into one of our input source wrappers.
These wrappers not only validate the file type (using a trusted MIME type check) but also give you access the following
helper methods:


Regardless of how a document is loaded, the subsequent parsing or workflow operations remain the same.

Mindee’s Ruby client supports several methods for loading a document.

These can either be done locally:

These four methods inherit from the LocalInputSource class, which provides a few common utility features described

Or loading from a URL.

Loading from a Local Path

The most straightforward way of loading a document: load a file directly from disk by providing its path.


# Initialize the client.
mindee_client = 'my-api-key')

# Load a file from disk using its absolute path.
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/absolute/path/to/file.ext')

Loading from a File Object

When you already have an open file (in binary mode), you can pass it along with its original filename.

Example:'invoice.jpg', 'rb') do |file_obj|
    # Creating a local input source from the file object.
    input_source = mindee_client.source_from_file(file_obj, "invoice.jpg")
    # Parsing happens similarly.

Loading from a Base64-Encoded String

For cases where you have file data encoded in Base64, load the document by providing the encoded string along with the
original filename. This converts the Base64 string into a local input source for further processing.


b64_string = "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGB..." # Example dummy b64_string.

input_source = mindee_client.source_from_b64string(b64_string, "receipt.jpg")

Loading from Raw Bytes

If you have the file’s raw binary data (as bytes), create an input source by passing the bytes and the original


raw_bytes = b"%PDF-1.3\n%\xbf\xf7\xa2\xfe\n1 0 obj..." # Example dummy raw bytes sequence.

input_source = mindee_client.source_from_bytes(raw_bytes, "invoice.pdf")

Loading by URL

For remote documents, you can load a file through its URL. The server will accept direct urls if:

  • They begin with "https://".
  • They point to a valid file.
  • They do not redirect the request (e.g. Google Drive documents or proxies).

Under the hood, the
class validates the URL, but won't perform an HTTP GET request unless specifically requested (using Ruby’s Net::HTTP).


input_source = mindee_client.source_from_url("")
result = mindee_client.parse(input_source, Mindee::Product::Invoice::InvoiceV4)

To download the files before sending them, you can use the as_local_input_source method. It allows to follow
redirects, and supports optional authentication (via basic auth or JWT tokens). You can optionally download and save the file locally or convert it into a local input source for further processing—thus benefiting from the same processing methods as local files.

Additional URL features include:

  • Validation: The URLInputSource throws an error if the URL does not start with “https://”.
  • Authentication: You can supply basic authentication (username/password) or a bearer token.
  • Local Conversion: Methods such as write_to_file let you download and inspect the file locally. Alternatively,
  • as_local_input_source converts the downloaded content into a LocalInputSource so you can apply operations like
  • compression.


# Load the URL input normally:
remote_input_source = mindee_client.source_from_url("")

# Download the file and convert it to a `BytesInputSource` (type of `LocalInputSource`):
local_input_source = remote_input_source.as_local_input_source(filename: 'my_downloaded_invoice.pdf')

# Download the file and save it to the specified directory:
local_downloaded_file_path = remote_input_source.write_to_file("path/to/my/downloaded/invoice.pdf")

Under the Hood - Local Input Source Details

When loading using from either a path, file, raw byte sequence or base64 string, the created object inherits from
Mindee::Input::Source::LocalInputSource. Key features include:

  • Automatic MIME Type Validation using Marcel to check for server file format compliance.
  • An option (repair_pdf) to attempt recovery of PDFs with broken header information.
  • File Operations:
    • compress! – Compresses the file by invoking either the PDFCompressor for PDFs or the ImageCompressor for images. Parameters such as quality, max dimensions, and options to force or disable source text (for PDFs) are available.
    • write_to_file (URLInputSource version, LocalInputSource version) – Saves the current state of the input (after possible operations) to disk. This is handy for inspection before parsing.
    • count_pages – For PDF files, returns the total page count; by default, non-PDF files are assumed to be single-page documents.


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