Command Line Interface

Command Line Usage

The CLI tool is provided mainly for quick tests and debugging.

General help

./mindee generated --help

Note: Due to the limited-nature of most PHP CLI tools, the help sections aren't customized for each command.

Example parse command for Off-the-Shelf document

./mindee invoice -k xxxxxxx /path/to/invoice.pdf

Works with environment variables

export MINDEE_API_KEY=xxxxxx
./mindee invoice /path/to/invoice.pdf

Example parse command for a generated document (DocTI)

./mindee generated -a pikachu -k xxxxxxx pokemon_card /path/to/card.jpg -A

Example async parse command

./mindee invoice-splitter path/to/the/invoice.pdf -A

Note: the -A can be omitted on products which do not support synchronous mode.

./mindee invoice-splitter path/to/the/invoice.pdf -A

[DEPRECATED] Example parse command for a custom document (API Builder)

./mindee custom -a pikachu -k xxxxxxx pokemon_card /path/to/card.jpg

Full parsed output

./mindee invoice -k xxxxxxx /path/to/invoice.pdf -o raw

Running the script through php

A helper script allows you to start the command directly:

php bin/cli.php


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