The Ruby Client Library supports the Invoice API.
Product Specs
Specification Details Endpoint Name invoices
Recommended Version v4.9
Supports Polling/Webhooks ✔️ Yes Support Synchronous HTTP Calls ✔️ Yes Geography 🌐 Global
Polling Limitations
Setting Parameter name Default Value Initial Delay Before Polling initial_delay_seconds
2 seconds Default Delay Between Calls delay_sec
1.5 seconds Polling Attempts Before Timeout max_retries
80 retries
Using the sample below,
we are going to illustrate how to extract the data that we want using the Ruby Client Library.
# Install the Ruby client library by running:
# gem install mindee
require 'mindee'
# Init a new client
mindee_client = 'my-api-key')
# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')
# Parse the file
result = mindee_client.parse(
enqueue: false
# Print a full summary of the parsed data in RST format
puts result.document
# Print the document-level parsed data
# puts result.document.inference.prediction
You can also call this product asynchronously:
# Install the Ruby client library by running:
# gem install mindee
require 'mindee'
# Init a new client
mindee_client = 'my-api-key')
# Load a file from disk
input_source = mindee_client.source_from_path('/path/to/the/file.ext')
# Parse the file
result = mindee_client.parse(
# Print a full summary of the parsed data in RST format
puts result.document
# Print the document-level parsed data
# puts result.document.inference.prediction
Output (RST):
:Mindee ID: 86b1833f-138b-4a01-8387-860204b0e631
:Filename: default_sample.jpg
:Product: mindee/invoices v4.9
:Rotation applied: Yes
:Locale: en-CA; en; CA; CAD;
:Invoice Number: 14
:Purchase Order Number: AD29094
:Reference Numbers: AD29094
:Purchase Date: 2018-09-25
:Due Date:
:Payment Date:
:Total Net: 2145.00
:Total Amount: 2608.20
:Total Tax: 193.20
| Base | Code | Rate (%) | Amount |
| | | 8.00 | 193.20 |
:Supplier Payment Details:
:Supplier Company Registrations:
:Supplier Address: 156 University Ave, Toronto ON, Canada, M5H 2H7
:Supplier Phone Number: 4165551212
:Supplier Website:
:Supplier Email: [email protected]
:Customer Name: JIRO DOI
:Customer Company Registrations:
:Customer Address: 1954 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON, M6P 3K9 Canada
:Customer ID:
:Shipping Address:
:Billing Address: 1954 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON, M6P 3K9 Canada
:Document Type: INVOICE
:Line Items:
| Description | Product code | Quantity | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) | Total Amount | Unit of measure | Unit Price |
| Platinum web hosting package Down... | | 1.00 | | | 65.00 | | 65.00 |
| 2 page website design Includes ba... | | 3.00 | | | 2100.00 | | 2100.00 |
| Mobile designs Includes responsiv... | | 1.00 | | | 250.00 | 1 | 250.00 |
Page Predictions
Page 0
:Locale: en-CA; en; CA; CAD;
:Invoice Number: 14
:Purchase Order Number: AD29094
:Reference Numbers: AD29094
:Purchase Date: 2018-09-25
:Due Date:
:Payment Date:
:Total Net: 2145.00
:Total Amount: 2608.20
:Total Tax: 193.20
| Base | Code | Rate (%) | Amount |
| | | 8.00 | 193.20 |
:Supplier Payment Details:
:Supplier Company Registrations:
:Supplier Address: 156 University Ave, Toronto ON, Canada, M5H 2H7
:Supplier Phone Number: 4165551212
:Supplier Website:
:Supplier Email: [email protected]
:Customer Name: JIRO DOI
:Customer Company Registrations:
:Customer Address: 1954 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON, M6P 3K9 Canada
:Customer ID:
:Shipping Address:
:Billing Address: 1954 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON, M6P 3K9 Canada
:Document Type: INVOICE
:Line Items:
| Description | Product code | Quantity | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) | Total Amount | Unit of measure | Unit Price |
| Platinum web hosting package Down... | | 1.00 | | | 65.00 | | 65.00 |
| 2 page website design Includes ba... | | 3.00 | | | 2100.00 | | 2100.00 |
| Mobile designs Includes responsiv... | | 1.00 | | | 250.00 | 1 | 250.00 |
Field Types
Standard Fields
These fields are generic and used in several products.
Basic Field
Each prediction object contains a set of fields that inherit from the generic Field
A typical Field
object will have the following attributes:
- value (
): corresponds to the field value. Can benil
if no value was extracted. - confidence (Float, nil): the confidence score of the field prediction.
- bounding_box (
): contains exactly 4 relative vertices (points) coordinates of a right rectangle containing the field in the document. - polygon (
): contains the relative vertices coordinates (Point
) of a polygon containing the field in the image. - page_id (
): the ID of the page, alwaysnil
when at document-level. - reconstructed (
): indicates whether an object was reconstructed (not extracted as the API gave it).
Aside from the previous attributes, all basic fields have access to a to_s
method that can be used to print their value as a string.
Amount Field
The amount field AmountField
only has one constraint: its value is a Float
(or nil
Classification Field
The classification field ClassificationField
does not implement all the basic Field
attributes. It only implements
value, confidence and page_id.
Note: a classification field's
value is always a
Company Registration Field
Aside from the basic Field
attributes, the company registration field CompanyRegistrationField
also implements the
- type (
): the type of company.
Date Field
Aside from the basic Field
attributes, the date field DateField
also implements the following:
- date_object (
): an accessible representation of the value as a JavaScript object.
Locale Field
The locale field LocaleField
only implements the value, confidence and page_id base Field
but it comes with its own:
- language (
): ISO 639-1 language code (e.g.:en
for English). Can benil
. - country (
): ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for countries (e.g.:GRB
for "Great
Britain"). Can benil
. - currency (
): ISO 4217 code for currencies (e.g.:USD
for "US Dollars"). Can benil
Payment Details Field
Aside from the basic Field
attributes, the payment details field PaymentDetailsField
also implements the
- account_number (
): number of an account, expressed as a string. Can benil
. - iban (
): International Bank Account Number. Can benil
. - routing_number (
): routing number of an account. Can benil
. - swift (
): the account holder's bank's SWIFT Business Identifier Code (BIC). Can benil
String Field
The text field StringField
only has one constraint: it's value is a String
(or nil
Taxes Field
Aside from the basic Field
attributes, the tax field TaxField
also implements the following:
- rate (
): the tax rate applied to an item can be expressed as a percentage. Can benil
. - code (
): tax code (or equivalent, depending on the origin of the document). Can benil
. - base (
): base amount used for the tax. Can benil
. - value (
): the value of the tax. Can benil
Note: currently
is not used on its own, and is accessed through a parentTaxes
object, an array-like
Taxes (Array)
The Taxes
field represents an array-like collection of TaxField
objects. As it is the representation of several
objects, it has access to a custom to_s
method that can render a TaxField
object as a table line.
Specific Fields
Fields which are specific to this product; they are not used in any other product.
Line Items Field
List of all the line items present on the invoice.
A InvoiceV4LineItem
implements the following attributes:
(String): The item description.product_code
(String): The product code of the item.quantity
(Float): The item quantitytax_amount
(Float): The item tax amount.tax_rate
(Float): The item tax rate in percentage.total_amount
(Float): The item total amount.unit_measure
(String): The item unit of measure.unit_price
(Float): The item unit price.
The following fields are extracted for Invoice V4:
Billing Address
billing_address (StringField): The customer billing address.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.billing_address.value
Customer Address
customer_address (StringField): The address of the customer.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.customer_address.value
Customer Company Registrations
customer_company_registrations (Array<CompanyRegistrationField>): List of company registration numbers associated to the customer.
result.document.inference.prediction.customer_company_registrations do |customer_company_registrations_elem|
puts customer_company_registrations_elem.value
Customer ID
customer_id (StringField): The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.customer_id.value
Customer Name
customer_name (StringField): The name of the customer or client.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.customer_name.value
Purchase Date
date (DateField): The date the purchase was made.
Document Type
document_type (ClassificationField): Document type: INVOICE or CREDIT NOTE.
Possible values include:
puts result.document.inference.prediction.document_type.value
Due Date
due_date (DateField): The date on which the payment is due.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.due_date.value
Invoice Number
invoice_number (StringField): The invoice number or identifier.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.invoice_number.value
Line Items
line_items (Array<InvoiceV4LineItem>): List of all the line items present on the invoice.
result.document.inference.prediction.line_items do |line_items_elem|
puts line_items_elem.value
locale (LocaleField): The locale of the document.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.locale.value
Payment Date
payment_date (DateField): The date on which the payment is due / was full-filled.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.payment_date.value
Purchase Order Number
po_number (StringField): The purchase order number.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.po_number.value
Reference Numbers
reference_numbers (Array<StringField>): List of all reference numbers on the invoice, including the purchase order number.
result.document.inference.prediction.reference_numbers do |reference_numbers_elem|
puts reference_numbers_elem.value
Shipping Address
shipping_address (StringField): Customer's delivery address.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.shipping_address.value
Supplier Address
supplier_address (StringField): The address of the supplier or merchant.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_address.value
Supplier Company Registrations
supplier_company_registrations (Array<CompanyRegistrationField>): List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_company_registrations do |supplier_company_registrations_elem|
puts supplier_company_registrations_elem.value
Supplier Email
supplier_email (StringField): The email address of the supplier or merchant.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_email.value
Supplier Name
supplier_name (StringField): The name of the supplier or merchant.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_name.value
Supplier Payment Details
supplier_payment_details (Array<PaymentDetailsField>): List of payment details associated to the supplier of the invoice.
result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_payment_details do |supplier_payment_details_elem|
puts supplier_payment_details_elem.value
puts supplier_payment_details_elem.rate
puts supplier_payment_details_elem.code
puts supplier_payment_details_elem.basis
Supplier Phone Number
supplier_phone_number (StringField): The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_phone_number.value
Supplier Website
supplier_website (StringField): The website URL of the supplier or merchant.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.supplier_website.value
taxes (Array<TaxField>): List of taxes. Each item contains the detail of the tax.
result.document.inference.prediction.taxes do |taxes_elem|
puts taxes_elem.value
Total Amount
total_amount (AmountField): The total amount of the invoice: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.total_amount.value
Total Net
total_net (AmountField): The net amount of the invoice: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.total_net.value
Total Tax
total_tax (AmountField): The total tax: the sum of all the taxes for this invoice.
puts result.document.inference.prediction.total_tax.value
Updated 3 days ago